Monday, August 30, 2010

Urban Decay...The Photography of Camilo Vergara

"Camilo Vergara is a Chilean-born photographer, writer, and documentarian who lives and works in New York City. Since 1977 he has been documenting changes in the urban landscape, focusing on American slums and decaying urban environments, along the way becoming an “archivist of decline,” a documentarian of walls, buildings, and entire city blocks. His work is noted for picturing the same buildings and neighborhoods multiple times over many years, and in so doing recording the changing nature of the city itself. Vergara’s photographs tell how the American inner city evolved and what it gained and lost in the process."

These pictures, taken by the photographer Camilo Vergara, demonstrate the consequences of what will happen over time when industrial elements are not sustained by people. It's interesting how over time nature will try to take over man-made elements, almost as if it is attempting to reclaim its territory. Although these pictures are dismal, they give great insight into the powerful effect humans have had over nature.
