Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Project- 12/9 Presentation

Our project is a culmination of the high emotions and extreme conflict we experienced in Glen Canyon. We decided to take this conflict to the extreme by putting these two contrasting sides/views in the context of war. There is always some kind of war happening in the world, and by 2510, there will be many wars. The Global Weapons Test Operatives is our fictitious militant group that has taken over the world. The only territory it has yet to capture is Islais Island, an island separated from the rest of the bay by long, narrow bridges. The GCR, or the Glen Canyon Resistance, is fighting to keep this land theirs. It is the last natural piece of land left on earth. We decided to design campaigns from the views of each side; both groups are trying to convince and persuade people to their side through lies and exaggeration. Below is the final version of the military book for our final project. We wanted it to feel corporate, cold, and almost cheesy, mocking past propaganda that tends to use really bold images with bold type. The GCR book is the exact opposite in that it is printed on recycled paper, and the images are more meant to show the consequences of war. It is hand-stitched, while the GWTO book is wire-bound on high-gloss paper. Both books end with the same image, representing that wars usually end the same, and sometimes it's hard to distinguish whether one side is really better than the other.

Critique on 12/9: Comments were that people liked that each side showed the other side as the "bad guy". Logo for GWTO works well. Criticism was that the front cover on the GCR book did not feel rebellious enough, and that the war images did not feel futuristic enough. Also questioned was the book format for the rebels. Maybe pages should be ripped out and torn, pinned on wall like fliers, or blown up really big. Book format worked well for the military, did feel corporate. Thinking about trying to get pins made for the next presentation, and also changing up the GCR campaign.

GWTO Book (the military):

GCR Book (from the rebels):

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prototype Roughs

Below are some rough ideas for the GCR campaign. GCR side of book will be printed on recycled, natural-looking paper, while the GWTO side will be printed on high quality gloss. Still thinking of how to bind book...

Final Project Summary & Sketches

It is 2510 and it is a time of war. The Glen Canyon Resistance (GCR) is comprised of rebels fighting against the GWTO (Global Weapons Test Operatives). The GCR's territory is Islais Island, separated from the rest of the bay by long, narrow bridges. Our project is influenced by our recent experiences in the canyon. During our time there we experienced conflict and much political turmoil, especially between the coyote lovers and the dog walkers. And so we decided to create a series of propaganda from the point of view of both the GCR and the GWTO. A book will be comprised of both sides, one half showing propaganda from the GCR, and the other half from the GWTO.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thoughts on Library Presentation

I feel the presentation went well for us over all. We were much more organized in delegating what each person in our group had to say. However, I was a bit surprised at the end of the presentations that none of the audience members had any comments or questions. This may be because there were so many presentations that the audience may not have remembered what they exactly felt about each presentation. If there was more time, it would have been nice to have feedback/comments after each presentation. I feel some of the presentations could have been a bit more organized as there were some moments of awkward silence. Otherwise, it was nice to see everyone's condensed versions of their presentations.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Final Proposal- Lindsey Little & Carlos Rubio

Islais Creek in 500 years:

A post-apocalyptic world where everyone is living in underground tunnels. Islais Island is testing ground for bombs, separated from the rest of the bay by long narrow bridges. The land is barren and torched. Those who are left to live on the island are underground rebels, fighting against the omnipresent and oppressive military. We will be producing a series of propaganda posters made by the military, and posters made by the rebels, each trying to convince people to support their cause. Final deliverable will most likely be book documenting the view of the island from each group's point of view, or a series of posters and other propoganda.
